ASME's Mechanical Engine…ing Toolkit 1997 December
ASME's Mechanical Engineering Toolkit 1997 December.iso
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91 lines
/* Inventory file maintenance: lists and adds parts to inventory. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <stddefs.h>
/* Macros PROMPT and ERR_EXIT use read() and write() to perform user I/O */
#define PROMPT(msg, mlen, ans, alen) write(stdout, msg, mlen), \
ans[read(stdin, ans, alen) - 1] = '\0'
#define ERR_EXIT(s1) write(stderr, s1, strlen(s1)), \
write(stderr, "\7\n", 2), exit(FAIL)
IMPORT long atol(char[]);
int fh_inv; /* invntory.dat file handle */
long part_num; /* integer part number */
char cmd; /* command to add or list part */
char reply[81]; /* user input buffer to hold replies */
char buf[20]; /* buffer for binary-to-ASCII conversions */
struct s_inv_rec /* Declare structure type; define tag. */
long price; /* price to charge for part, in cents */
short weight; /* shipping weight, in ounces */
char desc[31]; /* description of part */
struct s_inv_rec inv_rec; /* Declare record struct inv_rec. */
/* Open inventory file invntory.dat for reading and writing. Create */
/* the file if it does not exist, and open it in binary mode. */
if (-1 == (fh_inv = open("invntory.dat", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_BINARY)))
ERR_EXIT("No file: invntory.dat");
while (1) /* Infinite loop; exit is in loop body. */
/* Prompt for command: Add or List? <a/l> */
PROMPT("\nInventory Maint: Add or List? <a/l> ", 37, reply, 80);
cmd = reply[0];
/* No cmd, so we're done. */
if (cmd != 'a' && cmd != 'l')
close(fh_inv), exit(SUCCEED);
/* Prompt for part number to add or list. */
PROMPT("\nPart #: ", 9, reply, 80);
part_num = atol(reply); /* Convert from ASCII to binary. */
/* Position file pointer at start of record for part. */
lseek(fh_inv, (long) part_num * sizeof inv_rec, 0);
if (cmd == 'a') /* Add a part. */
/* Prompt for part_desc, price, and ship_weight. */
PROMPT("\nDesc: ", 7, inv_rec.desc, 30);
PROMPT("\nPrice: ", 8, reply, 80);
inv_rec.price = atol(reply); /* ASCII to binary */
PROMPT("\nWeight (oz.): ", 14, reply, 80);
inv_rec.weight = atoi(reply); /* ASCII to binary */
/* Output record from structure inv_rec. */
write(fh_inv, &inv_rec, sizeof inv_rec);
else if (cmd == 'l') /* Read record and list part. */
/* Got whole record? Then list part_desc, price, and ship_weight. */
if (read(fh_inv, &inv_rec, sizeof inv_rec) == sizeof inv_rec)
write(stdout, "\nDesc: ", 7);
write(stdout, inv_rec.desc, strlen(inv_rec.desc));
write(stdout, "\nPrice: ", 8);
ltoa(inv_rec.price, buf, 10); /* Convert price and output. */
write(stdout, buf, strlen(buf));
write(stdout, "\nWeight: ", 9);
itoa(inv_rec.weight, buf, 10); /* Convert weight and output. */
write(stdout, buf, strlen(buf));
write(stdout, "\n\n", 2); /* Skip two lines. */